Fabulous New Teen Blogger!
Many of you who frequent this blog have seen the comments left by Elliot. I met Elliot earlier this year at the True Colors Conference and become more and more impressed with Elliot's wisdom, warmth and insight. 17 years old, Elliot takes on issues that many adults can't begin to wrap their heads around.Recently Elliot began blogging about the experience of being a trans teen. Elliot writes,
My gender has been a topic weighing heavily on my thoughts for years. It's been really difficult for me to deal with because my family hasn't really been there for me as much as I would have appreciated them to be. I suppose I can't really talk so badly about them, though--they're still trying. It's just hard to be a Trans. kid. As difficult as it was when I was all I worried about was my sexuality, it's probably about 100 times harder now that my gender has come into the equation. Not everything's bad, though. I've made a bunch of great friends since I began to identify as Transgender, and my outlook on life has become much better. My outlook has become even clearer recently, because I've finally come to realize that I don't have to fit myself into a subcategory within the Transgender identity. I can identify simply as Transgender and let that be enough. Because it is.Spend some time at Elliot's site and see for yourself. Check out Elliot's Little Bits of a "Panny Tranny." And stay tuned here to learn more of Elliot's story in Elliot's own words.
It is so cool to see people able to deal openly with sexual orientation and gender issues in their teens. Sure beats 40! You go, Elliot!
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